Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Episode 11: Budgeting to buy a house!
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
In this episode we talk about budgeting when you are in the process of buying a house, saving for your kids' college, how not to pay off debt, and a concerning issue looming over the country (Dah Dah Daaahhhhh) and much more.
You can find the link to the Money Personality quiz we talked about for the next episode here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wihm1u33cvgx8p6/BrentKesselQuizArchetypes.pdf?dl=0
You can buy Brent Kessel's book, "It's Not About the Money," in which this quiz is based on here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0013TPUVQ/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Complete the printable PDF quiz and if you share finances with someone have them take it as well and talk about your similarities and differences. We'll be talking about this next episode.
We also mentioned the 5 love languages, which can be found here: http://www.5lovelanguages.com/
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Episode 12: Jill Schiefelbein, The Dynamic Communicator
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Communication -the human connection- is the key to personal and career success. - Paul J. Meyer
In today's episode we talk with The Dynamic Communicator, Jill Schiefelbein. She is a communication expert and leads businesses and individuals towards better communication skills by involving 3 audiences: internal, consumers and general public. She is the author of "Dynamic Communication" an Amazon best seller in two categories, has amazing instructional videos on Youtube and is a contributor to Entrepreneur magazine.
Today she shares her expertise when we talk about how small business owners can communicate with their ambassadors as well as their target market, how to be more assertive when asking for what you want, her personal (and financial) journey moving from Arizona to New York City to pursue her career and how to use communication to your advantage. We also talk about her time analyzing terrorist communications that were intercepting in a raid and her thoughts on The Trump Administration's style of communication.
Jill's website: http://www.thedynamiccommunicator.com/
You can find her new book, "Dynamic Communication", on Amazon here.
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Episode 13: Demir from LifehackBootcamp.com
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Most people can agree that they can be more productive and organized in their life. Demir at LifeHackBootcamp.com has found simple ways to hack your brain so that you are more productive, get more done in less time so you save money, get healthy and regain your life back so you have time to do what is important to you! His LifeHack Bootcamp is an 8 week program that teaches you how to achieve more with less time and effort, get and stay motivated and have fun doing it!
In this episode we chat about:
- being a productive parent and how to get your kids to be productive
- simple mind hacks to get you motivated to be more productive
- ways to systemitize your daily tasks and finances so there is no guessing
- how meal planning is one of the big foundations in saving money, saving time throughout the week and eating healthier
- how to get your significant other to get as motivated to change as you are
- And much more!
Demir is offering our listeners a free one hour masterclass that encompasses the everyone's favorite lessons from his full 8 week course. Go to www.LifeHackBootcamp.com/masterclass to get free instant access to the one hour workshop that will change your life!
Friday May 12, 2017
Episode 14: Julie DeVito, time management expert and success coach
Friday May 12, 2017
Friday May 12, 2017
Julie DeVito is a personal coach that specializes in working with professional women, leaders, mothers and others who set big goals for themselves and want to keep reaching new levels of success. Her areas of expertise are performance psychology, leadership development, productivity improvement and stress management. She is a certified professional coach, holds a Master's Degree from Pepperdine in clinical psychology and is currently in a Doctorate Program with an emphasis on brain research, motivation and goal directed behavior.
In today's episode we talk about:
- How to detox from digital distraction and social media time suck
- How money management and time management are related
- Time management hacks
- Her 7 step recipe for increasing productivity
- And much more!
You can reach Julie at www.RealizationPartners.com and on Facebook @RealizationPartners
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Episode 15: Young Adult and personal finance series 1 of 4
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Young adults have a lot going for them but also a lot going against them. They have technology, science and research at their finger tips but one thing we continuously see is that they aren't educated in real practical personal finance topics. They don't teach personal finance and budgeting classes in school's any more. Only 17 states require a personal finance class (and economics or civics that cover personal finance are acceptable). Also, parents are not well equiped to teach their children about personal finance because they haven't been taught it either.
In this 4 part series, we will be interviewing 3 different young adults to get their point of view on what they know about personal finance, what they wished they knew and what they want parents and their peers to know. Alex isin high school, Dakota recently graduated from college and Allison is still in college. We will be interviewing Allison twice. Once before a financial coaching session and once after the financial coaching session so she can give her perspective on the benefits of a financial coach and tell everyone the most important things she learned.
This episode features Dakota, who graduated from college last year and is currently working but planning on going to graduate school in the fall of 2017. We talk with her about her experience with personal finance and budgeting, temptations, tips she has and mistakes she has made.
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Episode 16: Young Adults and Personal Finance Series 2 of 4
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
In today's episode we talk with Ally Baker who is going to be a senior in college. She rates her financial stress level as 9/10!! We discuss what she has learned about financial aid and student loans, getting a job while in college, how she is going to transition into being an adult with a job after graduating college (and how scary that is to her). This is an amazing episode for parents and they young adult children to listen to together and talk about strategies.
Ally is having her first Financial Coaching session with Kelsa and Sheri tomorrow and she will be back next week on episode 18 to talk about how she feels about her finances, what her plan is, what she learned and what the most important tips for young adults she has after her coaching session!
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Episode 17: Young Adults and personal finance Series 3 of 4 with Alex McCall
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Today in part 3 of our 4 part series on young adults and personal finance we talk with Alex McCall who just graduated from high school and will be a freshman at Arizona State University starting next month. This kid is doing everything right! He has recieved a few scholarships but didn't want to take out any student loans so he created a plan and figured out how much he needed to work this summer and next summer so he can pay for college for the next 2 years without having to work during the school year! Amazing!
We talk about how he planned, what are some of the lessons and activities that his parents used when he was younger to instill financial responsibliity and literacy and other great lessons and tips that he has found works for him. This is a must listen to if you are a young adult getting ready to go to college or the parent of a young adult with college on their mind.
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Episode 18: Young Adults and Personal Finance 4 of 4. Ally's Back!
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
Wednesday Aug 02, 2017
In episode 16 we talked with Ally, a college senior who's financial stress level was a 9/10. She was very reactionary with her money and only planned out her budget a week in advance. She is going to graduate next year and was very worried about not having a budget or know what expenses she should expect when she is out on her own for the first time.
In this episode we talk to Ally after having her first financial coaching session and talk about what actions she plans on implementing, what she found out about her guilt over money and the best tips that she learned during the session that you can implement today! We also find out her new financial stress number, but you'll have to listen to find out!
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Episode 19: Chatting with the Greatest Generation
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Over the last 4 episodes we interviewed young adults to get their perspective on their personal finances. In this episode we have a great chat with two members of the greatest generation, who both live in Adara Senior Lifestyle Retirement and Assisted Living Facility in Scottsdale, AZ. They were both born when F. D. Roosevelt was president and lived very interesting lives. Their insight into debt, credit cards, saving and how they lived their lives in general is so interesting!
We apologize for some poor audio quality in the middle of the podcast. Max liked to fiddle with the microphone while he held it. The message is still amazing! Enjoy
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Episode 20: The Credit Score Spectacular! Plus bonus Equifax breach action guide
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
The Credit Score Spectacular is here! We dive into the Equifax breach, how to see if your information was taken and what to do if you were affected. We also go over the mysterious credit score, what it means, how to improve your score, what actions lower your score, mistakes people make with their credit score and much more!
You can see if your credit information was affected here: https://trustedidpremier.com/eligibility/eligibility.html
If you weren't affected you don't have to do anything.
If you were affected, you can find out about credit freezes and freeze all three credit score companies here: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0497-credit-freeze-faqs
You can read our entire blog post about the Equifax breach here: http://fiscalfitnessphx.com/equifax-breach-need-know/
September 27th is Connect~Inspire~Go. Get your tickets here https://www.connect-inspire-go.com/
Get two free tickets to the Arizona Ultimate Women's Expo here: http://www.azwomensexpo.com/ExhibitorComp